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Three of Wands

Three of Wands

The crow, eager for a new adventure looks across an expansive body of water off in the distance where it sees a new land to explore. He ready to move beyond the familiar comforts of home to seek new ventures and experiences. The Three of Wands suggests looking for a new beginning or opportunity in your life, whether it is traveling abroad, starting a new project, or going back to school. This card brings the message that now is the time to go after your dreams, as they can be significant and as vast as an ocean – move forward with faith, you will make it across.

When the Three of Wands appears reversed, it is because of a setback. The plan, although as well executed in your head, in reality, there is an unforeseen snag or a patch of bad luck holding you back. It may also be a sign that your heart isn’t in the journey.





I love your experience story and deck! Looking forward to receiving the Crow Tarot deck!

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